Faith That Will Move Mountains
On the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I share this story of faith. Jesus said that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we can move...
The Touched by Grace Today Blog
On the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I share this story of faith. Jesus said that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we can move...
I have a small trinket box stored in a place time forgot. It contains various religious medals that were given to me over many decades. ...
*This story is the last of the 9-day story series on St. Therese. Hope the stories added inspiration to your days. It was a week before...
*This story is the eighth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested usually through a shower of...
*This story is the seventh of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of sending a shower of roses after her death. And sometimes, roses...
*This story is the sixth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested sometimes through a shower of...
*This story is the fifth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested mostly through a shower of roses....
*This story is the fourth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested mostly through a shower of...
*This story is the third of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested sometimes through a shower of...
*This story is the second of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested mostly through a shower of roses....
Do you have a saint you can relate to? On today's feast of St. Martha, I share some experiences with her. I was about 15 years old when I...
Sometimes, God sends us reminders. Our son started a small candy business and could use some help. Water surprisingly seeped appeared on...
When my cousin Raymond called to tell me that Aunt Lulu passed away, I was quite taken aback that the news did not bring tears. She has...
Our family flew to Brooklyn, New York to visit our sons who have (hopefully just) temporarily chosen to work from home in one of the...
But how do we know when things happen in God's time? Let me share this story. About three years ago, my dearest, most trusted, and most...
The night before Divine Mercy Sunday (today), I was scrambling, looking for an image of the Divine Mercy to put on our altar. I thought I...
How wonderful it is to be given opportunities to redo things until we finally learn to do it right. (Isn't this one deeply beautiful...
They say that there are two certain things in life: death and taxes. I’ll add a third: change. Change is a part of life. It’s something...
Do you remember the longest time it took for God to answer YES to your prayer? When petitioning God or Jesus, I often ask saints to pray...
Have you ever had a root canal? It's a procedure where the endodontist removes the infected pulp and tooth nerve because the tooth...
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