*This story is the eighth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested usually through a shower of roses.

In 2018, our family went on a cruise to Northern France.
A week before our departure, my godmother called and asked if we were visiting St. Therese in Lisieux. I said it's not in our plan because I believe that Lisieux is far from our port at Le Havre.
Two days later, a cousin asked me the same question, and I answered the same.
The day before we were leaving, a picture of St . Therese came in the mail. I thought, "Is St. Therese telling me something?"
That evening, I looked at the map and was astounded to learn that her Basilica is just around three hours from Paris! So after a quick city tour of the City of Light and instead of going straight to our port, we took a detour to Lisieux. The countryside ride during the lovely sunny day was beautiful, and it didn't feel like three hours.
As our family alighted from the van, a light shower greeted us for about 20 seconds, something that surprised all of us.
Then an amazing feeling of visiting an old friend's house overwhelmed me. I knew right then that St. Therese welcomed us to her earthly home.
My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog touchedbygrace.today every week! Check out Catholicmom.com for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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