"Touched By Grace: The Journey" began 40 years ago in 1974 when Anna Maria De Guid heard a voice that told her she will write. Not convinced, she chose a path that led her away from writing. As she started a family, God’s graces just became too evident for her to ignore.
In October 2014, she started writing her stories of grace. Her first submitted story was published in 2015. Her first book was released in January 2020.
Her collection of true personal stories will inspire everyone to live his or her life knowing that God’s grace is found everywhere, from a seemingly trivial coincidence to some really awe-inspiring event. Her stories are also a witness to the power of prayer in everyone’s lives, as long as we truly believe and are willing to let go and let God.
All proceeds of the "Touched by Grace" book series will benefit will benefit local, national and international charities. Your support will help bring God to more people’s lives. Thank you in advance.
Media Credits
"Daily Graces" header adapted from "Sunrise" by Marilyn Peddle. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
Home page and social headers adapted from "August 8, 2013 time lapse" by Mike Lewinski. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
"Little by Little" thumbnail adapted from "Orange Spice Marmalade" by Lenore Edman. Attribution 2.0
"Touched by Grace: In 101 Words or Less" logo adapted from "Rainbow" by Mike Elam/USFWS. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).
"Touched by Grace: Your Stories" logo adapted from "Moors Valley" by Iain A Wanless. Attribution 2.0
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