Touched by Grace Books
A collection of true to life stories of divine blessings.
All profits of this book series will benefit local, national and international charities.
Your support will help bring God to more people’s lives.
Touched by Grace:
The Journey
The author shares her "Journey to Writing," the first 40 stories of grace in the "Touched by Grace" series. These anecdotes hope to inspire the readers to open their hearts to seeing God's grace in their lives, to invigorate lukewarm hearts to prayer and to learn to trust that God's plan is always the best for us.
Released in January 2020.
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Touched by Grace:
A Page at a Time
Everyone is busy and time is preciously finite. Each story of grace has been condensed to fit one page — with just the right words and substance to inspire and warm readers' hearts.
Scheduled for mid-2020.
God approved.
Touched by Grace:
Your Stories
Your true stories of extraordinary coincidences, answered prayer and unexpected blessings have been compiled to continue this series' mission of inspiring everyone to see God's grace in their lives. This sequel to "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will warm everyone's hearts and show how trusting in our Lord will bring more graces than we can ever imagine.
Scheduled for 2021.
God willing.
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