*This story is the sixth of a 9-day series on St. Therese's promise of helping those in need manifested sometimes through a shower of roses.

In 2014, I was led to writing stories of God's graces. The book was published in 2016.
I have so many more stories from people who've felt God's presence in their lives. (Is there anything better at inspiring us to our Lord than listening to incredible grace stories?) But I did not want to publish another book, unless Jesus wanted me to.
One evening I prayed, "St. Therese, I am not good with clues. Please let me know in no uncertain terms if Jesus would like me to publish another book by sending me roses."
The following morning, our doorbell rang. There was no one outside except for an exquisite sight - a vase filled with incredible lavender roses! A friend thought I would enjoy her first spring bloom of lavender roses.
Book done. Pending publishing.
My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog touchedbygrace.today every week! Check out Catholicmom.com for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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