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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

Blog: Welcome

Cars in Heaven

Paul was watching the Barrett-Jackson auctions on TV, and I decided to join him. I caught a live bid for a sports car. The price...

St. Francis of Assisi

Isn't it a blessing to learn something new and good? I knew St. Francis was from a wealthy family, and he gave it all up after God...

On Doing Small Things

It was one of those busy days when I wanted to get a lot of things done. Things that would matter. Like finishing another blog or...

On Envy and Math

What does envy have to do with math? Envy is the desire to have someone else's money, treasures or talent. It originates from the heart...

Feast of Padre Pio

On his feast day today, let me share a friend's story on Padre Pio. My friend's father was going to have surgery for severe...

On Knowing Thyself

Both Socrates and Plato knew the importance of "Knowing thyself". Incredible wisdom in those two words. For it is in truly knowing...

On Procrastination

Tim Urban's TED talk on procrastination hit the mark. After analyzing how procrastinators work, he came to the conclusion that there are...

On Tragedies

Decades ago I read The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck. The first sentence of the book is: "Life is difficult." And there is so much...

On Saying Goodbyes

I thought I had already prepared myself for the worst. But when we bid goodbye to our youngest son whom we dropped off to college, I had...

Out of the Tragedies...

... come rays of light to touch hearts of those who read the stories of the victims and their families. This is one of those stories....

On Why Evil Exists

If there is a God, why does evil exist? That is one deep question asked so many times with answers that don't seem to even touch the...

St. Martha

What a treat! I get to write about two of my favorite saints - St. Magdalene and St. Martha, within a week of each other. I was...

On Mary Magdalene

Early this year I was invited to give a talk on the Marys in the Bible. They are our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary of...

On Simple Grace

My numerous texts were not answered, and my calls were not returned. Has my dear friend changed her phone number? I miss Lena. She was...

On Impressing Someone

I think it's typical for children to want to make their parents proud of them, Or for students to let their teachers know how hard they...

On Earthquakes

The July 4 and 5 earthquakes remind us that we ... Are on earthquake zone, May want to make or refresh our earthquake supplies, May need...

On Distractions

Many years ago, Ted Koppel, the well-respected anchor of Nightline, was asked what his most unforgettable reporting was. He said he has...

On Our Greatest Fears

According to USA Today Survey*, the list of things Americans fear include corruption of public officials, terrorist attacks, financial...

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