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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

Blog: Welcome

Finally... It's out!

After three years, my first book, "Touched by Grace: The Journey," has finally been published!

On Thanking God

My son Chris often tells me my mind always thinks the same way - that everything good comes from God.

On Grudges

Have you carried a grudge? If not, you are innumerable times blessed!

On Traditions

I like traditions. It creates a sense of belonging and connects us to our past, to our ancestors and their lives.

Happy New Year!

As far as I could remember, I've always liked New Year's Day. As a child, it meant my brother's fireworks and my mom's giving thanks for the

On Changing the Past

Have you ever wondered what things you would change in your life if you had the opportunity to do so?

On Ageing

My high school friends get together a couple of times a year. At our last gathering we talked about things that come with age.

Merry Christmas!

As we celebrate with gatherings, gift-giving, decorating and excesses of many kinds today, let us pause for a few minutes to think of those

On Good Deeds

Within a few days, I saw real goodness in mankind. A wheelchair-bound lady was crossing a six lane boulevard. Halfway across, she was...

On Christmas in Our Hearts

Where is the longest running Christmas celebration in the world? In the Philippines! There is even a Filipino restaurant that says,...

Our Lady of Guadalupe

We had a dinner gathering at home and we invited Paul's family over. My mother-in-law gave me a gift box, which I put aside. Several...

On Knowing Jesus

Paul told me he heard on a TV program that there is no such thing as an atheist. The talk show host said that just because someone does...

An Open Letter

Decades ago, I received a letter from someone. I am sharing it here with you like I did last year. Dear Friend, If you are thinking of...

A Professed Convert

I admit. I have been converted. I play the piano. Love Beethoven, Chopin and am truly mesmerized by Rachmaninoff. I also like...

On Thanksgiving

This season, let us fill our mind with thanksgiving thoughts. I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your...

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Lord, As we thank you for the bountiful feast on our table, Help us think of those whose tables are empty. As we thank you for our...

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