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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

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On Envy and Math

What does envy have to do with math? Envy is the desire to have someone else's money, treasures or talent. It originates from the heart...

Feast of Padre Pio

On his feast day today, let me share a friend's story on Padre Pio. My friend's father was going to have surgery for severe...

On Mundane Living

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a life that is filled with adventure, with meeting celebrities or with experiences close to what movies...

On Grocery Shopping

I was baking and ran out of eggs, so I drove to the grocery. I returned with much more than eggs — frozen pizzas and veggies, drinks,...

On Knowing Thyself

Both Socrates and Plato knew the importance of "Knowing thyself". Incredible wisdom in those two words. For it is in truly knowing...

On Procrastination

Tim Urban's TED talk on procrastination hit the mark. After analyzing how procrastinators work, he came to the conclusion that there are...

A Reason to Wake-up

I like to stay in bed, but life goes on. When I was a child, I got up because there was school. When I was a young adult, I got up...

On Tragedies

Decades ago I read The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck. The first sentence of the book is: "Life is difficult." And there is so much...

On SeptemBER

Where is the longest Christmas celebration in the world? It's in the Philippines! It begins with the month that ends with -BER, as in...

On Being Prepared

Being unprepared for what the day holds can be unnerving. That's why it's a better proposition to always be prepared. If you have a...

On Hugging and Parenting

Hugging is a parenting mechanism that seems underutilized, especially as the child grows older. We love hugging toddlers and young...

On Saying Goodbyes

I thought I had already prepared myself for the worst. But when we bid goodbye to our youngest son whom we dropped off to college, I had...

Out of the Tragedies...

... come rays of light to touch hearts of those who read the stories of the victims and their families. This is one of those stories....

On Good Foundation

Los Angeles has been redefining its skyline for a number of years now. At one time there were five cranes all busily working the downtown...

On Wasting Time

Especially during summer when there seems to be more time on our hands, let's be more aware of how we should NOT use our time. Gossiping,...

On Cinderella Moments

I love Cinderella stories. (Who doesn’t? Well, not the stepmother nor the stepsisters I would think.) Journey Band’s lead vocalist Arnel...

Living With the End in Mind

Paul and I attended a talk on forgiveness. The speaker gave reasons why people hold on to grudges as well as strategies how to go beyond...

On Many Good Things

This past Friday, Paul and I attended SCPMG's celebration of physicians' 20th, 25th and 30th year of patient care. We did not know what...

On Why Evil Exists

If there is a God, why does evil exist? That is one deep question asked so many times with answers that don't seem to even touch the...

St. Martha

What a treat! I get to write about two of my favorite saints - St. Magdalene and St. Martha, within a week of each other. I was...

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