I love Cinderella stories. (Who doesn’t? Well, not the stepmother nor the stepsisters I would think.)
Journey Band’s lead vocalist Arnel Pineda is one amazing Cinderella story.
To capsulize, Pineda lived a life of abject childhood poverty in the Philippines. He found solace in singing. He persisted in pursing his passion and was discovered when Neal Schon of Journey Band was rummaging through the Internet to find a lead vocalist. Pineda was flown to the US for an audition which he bested.
We cannot all be the Cinderellas or Pinedas of this world in their grandiosity, but who knows… maybe if we open our hearts to the beauty of the God’s little surprises in our lives, we may just find our amazing sprinkling of Cinderella moments?
It is not the scale that matters. It is the heart.
My name's Anna Maria! I publish a new blog post every Monday and Friday, two of my favorite days! If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released this summer through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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