One of the reasons I do my best and aim for the best that I can be is to give thanks to our Lord. (To win, to be recognized, and to succeed were reasons I used to have.)
Another is to inspire other people to do likewise.
I was wonderfully surprised when someone whom I randomly met and shared my stories with was so inspired by God's graces that she began to journal her experiences and is now working on her own blog site! I couldn't wait to read her stories!
And that's what this Touched By Grace journey is all about - sharing God's grace with everyone, and hoping that people will be inspired and enkindled in their hearts to see God's presence and love in our lives. And with this inspiration will flow an overwhelming joy that can be described in the song, "Eyes have not seen. Ears have not heart, what God has made for those who love him."
Best to you on an amazing journey!
My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out my website and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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