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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

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World Smile Day

It's easy to overlook the blessings we have because we take so many things for granted. When I was in college, Mom asked me, “How is that...

St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Today is the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. She wrote "Story of a Soul" where she said "What matters in life is not great deeds...

On Guardian Angels

I believe that our angels keep watch over us all the time and they have creative ways of making their presence felt. Mom must have taught...

Pruning Season

During late fall, gardeners prune the plants to maintain its health, to train the plant for shaping, and/or to improve the quality of the...

On Quotable Quotes

Happiness is an inside job.-William Arhtur Ward Silence is the best way to respond to a fool.-Proverbial Saying Faith is like Wifi. It...

On Faith

Jordan was walking along the mountain ridge when he accidentally fell off the cliff. On the way down he grabbed a branch. Looking down,...

Solo Carpool

I'm on the last leg of my part-time "career" as a carpool mom. During grade school, I drove a number of children home after school....


I don’t think there's an adult out there who doesn't remember where he or she was when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were hit...

The Blessed Mother Mary

I didn't know what to write about the Blessed Virgin Mary; I sought her help and this happened: I was in a rush to get my grocery...

Labor Day

What better way to end summer than with students’ last hurrah on Labor Day! Labor Day started in September 5, 1882 to recognize the...

Rain of fire

It started Labor Day weekend last year, one after another and ended around the Christmas season. This year, the huge California...

What Makes You Happy?

So many articles have been written about happiness and how to find it. What is happiness for you? When I was ten years old, I asked my...

On Dark Times

Whenever and wherever betrayal and deception occur, those are the dark times in life. Especially when it comes from family, dear friends...

A Teacher's Advice

An English professor told our class that for all work submitted, we need to put at least an inch of margin on both sides of homework and...

On Ulterior Motives

There’s an anecdote about a rich old man who just got a hearing aid replacement. Doctor: So how is your family liking your new hearing...

On Mission Statements

Businesses and other entities usually have mission statements. These statements tell the vision, the values and goals of an entity. I...

Thief of Joy

Decades ago I saw a cartoon clip that never left my memory. Person 1: (Image description: Person 1 bragging to Person 2 with this face...

Giving Thanks

A few months ago, I read an article about 4 young teenagers (13-year-olds) who went to a restaurant after a school event and left a $3.58...

On Different Minds

My aunt and I talk to each other quite frequently. We talk about relatives, friends, acquaintances and even people we don‘t know, like...

On Genes

My youngest son has a habit of leaving one or two tablespoons of food on his plate after he finishes a meal. Paul and I always wondered...

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