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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

Blog: Welcome

On Simple Grace

My numerous texts were not answered, and my calls were not returned. Has my dear friend changed her phone number? I miss Lena. She was...

On Impressing Someone

I think it's typical for children to want to make their parents proud of them, Or for students to let their teachers know how hard they...

Desiderata: On Comparing

There are many things that could bring us unhappiness. Most of these we cannot control. One over which we have control is comparing...

On Earthquakes

The July 4 and 5 earthquakes remind us that we ... Are on earthquake zone, May want to make or refresh our earthquake supplies, May need...

On Wisely Using Time

Let me count the ways... Giving thanks, Counting blessings, Learning something new, Watching inspiring movies, Reading inspiring...

On the Half-Year Mark

It is hard to believe that again, half the year is over. As I've grown in years, I've been hearing more and more that time passes by...

On Sunday Best

Walking to Sunday mass, I overheard a family discussing their choice of clothes for church. “What’s important is going to mass, not the...

On Distractions

Many years ago, Ted Koppel, the well-respected anchor of Nightline, was asked what his most unforgettable reporting was. He said he has...

Material World

Madonna’s song "Material Girl" reminds me of the material world we live in. It rings so true for most people… as it still does for me....

On Turning the Other Cheek

Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no...

On Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday for me is the bestowing of gifts so that we can glorify God with our lives. Some have been given extraordinary gifts,...

On Our Greatest Fears

According to USA Today Survey*, the list of things Americans fear include corruption of public officials, terrorist attacks, financial...

On the Letting Go Month

It seems that June is the letting go month. Parents let go of their children when they graduate; they let go when the children leave for...

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is probably the most solemn of all holidays. Today we commemorate those who gave their lives in military service for this...

On Loving One Another

I’ve read so many quotes on love, and each is beautiful. But nothing for me could really encompass the spirit of love that’s given to the...

Multi-Million Dollar Homes

I remember an elementary school classmate who was diagnosed with terminal cancer many years ago. As we drove around Beverly Hills to our...

On Counting Sheep

It’s been a long running suggestion to count sheep when one couldn't fall asleep. But I got bored with counting the sheep after 20. So I...

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