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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

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On Good Foundation

Los Angeles has been redefining its skyline for a number of years now. At one time there were five cranes all busily working the downtown...

On Wasting Time

Especially during summer when there seems to be more time on our hands, let's be more aware of how we should NOT use our time. Gossiping,...

On Cinderella Moments

I love Cinderella stories. (Who doesn’t? Well, not the stepmother nor the stepsisters I would think.) Journey Band’s lead vocalist Arnel...

Living With the End in Mind

Paul and I attended a talk on forgiveness. The speaker gave reasons why people hold on to grudges as well as strategies how to go beyond...

On Many Good Things

This past Friday, Paul and I attended SCPMG's celebration of physicians' 20th, 25th and 30th year of patient care. We did not know what...

On Why Evil Exists

If there is a God, why does evil exist? That is one deep question asked so many times with answers that don't seem to even touch the...

St. Martha

What a treat! I get to write about two of my favorite saints - St. Magdalene and St. Martha, within a week of each other. I was...

On Memories

My uncle had Alzheimer’s, and about a decade later, Dad was also diagnosed with it. So it pretty much runs strong on one side of the...

On Mary Magdalene

Early this year I was invited to give a talk on the Marys in the Bible. They are our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary of...

On Simple Grace

My numerous texts were not answered, and my calls were not returned. Has my dear friend changed her phone number? I miss Lena. She was...

On Impressing Someone

I think it's typical for children to want to make their parents proud of them, Or for students to let their teachers know how hard they...

Desiderata: On Comparing

There are many things that could bring us unhappiness. Most of these we cannot control. One over which we have control is comparing...

On Earthquakes

The July 4 and 5 earthquakes remind us that we ... Are on earthquake zone, May want to make or refresh our earthquake supplies, May need...

On Wisely Using Time

Let me count the ways... Giving thanks, Counting blessings, Learning something new, Watching inspiring movies, Reading inspiring...

On the Half-Year Mark

It is hard to believe that again, half the year is over. As I've grown in years, I've been hearing more and more that time passes by...

On Sunday Best

Walking to Sunday mass, I overheard a family discussing their choice of clothes for church. “What’s important is going to mass, not the...

On Distractions

Many years ago, Ted Koppel, the well-respected anchor of Nightline, was asked what his most unforgettable reporting was. He said he has...

Material World

Madonna’s song "Material Girl" reminds me of the material world we live in. It rings so true for most people… as it still does for me....

On Turning the Other Cheek

Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no...

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