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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

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A Good Friday World

I remember someone wrote that we live in a Good Friday World where there is a lot of injustice, discrimination, and suffering, among...

Hosanna in the Highest!

It was difficult for me to understand that the people who welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem were the same people who shouted, "Crucify him!" I...

Payback Time

Giving back doesn't have to break anything, except the habit of not looking back. TGIF! My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new video on...

On Saint Joseph

I graduated K-7, 9-12 from St. Joseph’s College. (Colleges in the Philippines can have an elementary and high school education.) Yearly,...

St. Patrick's

Do you know that there are more than a handful of celebrities who share an Irish ancestry? There are Christina Aguilera, John Travolta,...

Ides of March

I am fascinated by Julius Cesar. He leveled up Rome's political landscape from a republic to an empire. In high school, we even memorized...

Wrong Number

Has someone called you, with you thinking it's someone you know, when after a few minutes of conversing you realize the person dialed the...

Amazing Grace

It must have been an incredible inspiration, experience, or revelation that came to John Newton to be able to write the poem Amazing...

Dig Deep

Dig deep. Go the extra mile. Give it your best shot. Those are words from highly accomplished people. Paul and I attended a funeral of...

The Ring

It's always good to be reminded of the golden rule. You'll never know what it can bring. Have a blessed weekend! My name's Anna Maria and...

On Nourishment

Do you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday? How about dinner last night? And how about lunch yesterday? For whatever reason...

On Forgiveness

The themes of Lent are forgiveness and reconciliation. The story below is very timely for this season. Celebrities Kathie Lee Gifford...

Ask from the heart

I have many questions for Jesus, but they are not urgent ones. They're the ones that tug my heart once in a while. Since he knows our...

Spelling Bee M-I-R-A-C-L-E

Age usually makes us forget things. It doesn't help if we have genes that predispose us to that situation. Interestingly, there are...

On Spoiling and Tough Love

Spoiling love is best manifested with new babies. Parents couldn't think of much else. This is a special privilege of grandparents too....


One evening, I saw the HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm episode "Carpool Lane" on TV. Larry David, the lead actor, was in Dodger Stadium...

Chicken Soup for the Soul

This book series is one amazing success! It was published in 1993, and after twenty years sold over 500 million copies worldwide. But...

Psalm 91

The Book of Psalms are songs of adoration, praise, pleas for God's protection, guidance, and forgiveness. Most of the hymns or poems are...

On Being a Christian

Gandhi's story about Christianity is very sad and embarrassing, but very true. Gandhi liked Christ and his teachings. He wanted to follow...

Blessed Carlo Acutis

I have not set up my own computer, phone, or any internet account. To have been able to start a YouTube channel on my own is as close to...

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