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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

Blog: Welcome

On Genes

My youngest son has a habit of leaving one or two tablespoons of food on his plate after he finishes a meal. Paul and I always wondered...

A Prayer Answered

There's an appointed time for us to meet our Creator. This is a certainty for me. Dad was in his seventies and physically fit as can be...

Man In the Mirror

We have an inside family joke that I'll share. It's that one side of our family takes a while to get the punch lines of jokes. If at...

Be Careful What You Ask For

I was getting my blood drawn at the lab when I asked the technician if she heard the news that someone won the $400-something million...

On Nourishing Ourselves

Do you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday? How about breakfast same day last week? (Don’t worry, I don’t even recall what I...

On Head or Heart

When I was in college, a friend told me, “People should use their head when making decisions, not the heart. That is why the head is on...

On Health and Happiness

Do you know of anyone who wants to be unhappy, to live an unhealthy and short life… intentionally? I don’t, and I hope you don’t too...

Glass Half Full

Half the year is over! Can you believe that? Just remember that the days will continue. Whether we're ready or not, another year's...

Mid-Life Crisis

I've been wrangling with some anxiety issues the past couple of weeks. Paul and I have three sons. The oldest is working, our second is...

Fond Memories

Do you ever look back on fond memories? I do. Quite often. They always make me smile. When I get dragged down by life’s struggles, I get...

On Spelling Bee Week

At the 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee finals on June 2, 2022, Harini Logan of San Antonio, Texas was crowned champion. I've never...

Happy Father's Day

At a Mother’s Day mass in 1909, a young 26-year-old Sonora Smart Dodd felt inspired to recognize fathers for their role in raising...

On Superheroes

Summer's the time for blockbuster movies. And what more than superheroes to bring throngs of moviegoers to the theaters. Superhero origin...

On Blunder Blogs

I have a terrible habit of pressing buttons by mistake. I just pressed one by mistake yesterday (Saturday) and a blank post got...

On Wedding Anniversaries

Not many people think about silver and golden anniversaries when they get married. We didn’t. We just got there. When I was in my early...

On Graduation and Beyond

Graduations are exciting times! Can you imagine that one must have had three graduations before they get to college? If you count...

On Planning

June is a celebratory month. It’s the end of school (YAY!), the start of summer, the month of graduations, weddings and Father’s Day...

Memorial Day

What do you do to celebrate Memorial Weekend? A. Go out of town to visit relatives, B. Have a backyard barbecue, C. Visit a veterans...

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