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The Touched by Grace Today Blog

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On License Plates

I like looking at car plates. Especially during slow Los Angeles traffic. Do you? It’s nice to read what people put on their license...

Economics of Time Rehashed

Have you ever calculated how much time you spend on your activities? Let’s estimate. According to Nielsen, an average person spends...

A Tribute on the Birth of the BVM

What better way to celebrate Mother Mary's birthday than to share a beautiful and awe-inspiring story. My name's Anna Maria, and I...

St. Teresa of Calcutta

I heard it said that people who are good die young. Much like the saints I know. There's like St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Maria...

St. Monica

Not all mothers are created equal. The story of St. Monica is one of persevering in faith and prayers. Not only for her husband and her...

St. Maximillian Kolbe

13 [a]No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. - John 15:13 This is the gist of St. Maximillian Mary...

St. Dominic

We have a St. Dominic Church close to our home. I've gone to the adjacent Catholic school a couple of times for our sons' football games....

St. Martha

Do you recall the story of Martha complaining to Jesus that Mary is not helping her with household chores? Well, that' sounds exactly...

St. Charbel

I have never heard of this saint. Until a flight to Los Angeles when a passenger asked me about him. Since then, I have done some...

St. Mary Magdalene

For almost all my life up until about eight years ago, I thought that St. Mary Magdalene was the same woman as the penitent sinner who...

God's Grace Manifested

Paul and I have three sons. By the time the youngest Alex started Kindergarten, I knew I had my fair share of chaperoning children on...

Feast of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati - July 4

There are various means by which we get started with our devotions to saints and holy people. The most usual way, I think, is through our...

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

In the eighties, I went to daily Mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus church. I also used to attend First Friday Masses. Lately, I've been...

Father's Day 2022

All these years, I thought that the father who inspired Father's Day was a widower with six children. I was partly wrong. He was a...

On St. Anthony and Corpus Christi

The feast day of St. Anthony is on June 13, and Corpus Christi is on June 16. Aside from the nearness of their feast days, is there...

On Pentecost 2022

Pentecost is celebrated this coming Sunday, June 5. In early 2022, I was invited by one of our church's ministries, the Catholic...

A Hero's Journey

Joseph Campbell is an American author and literary professor who wrote in his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, that all hero myths...

On Forgiveness

Is it easy for you to forgive? Over the years, it's been easier, but there are just hurts that cling to me like gum under the shoe....

Who Is Your Hero?

On today's feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, I am posting a hero story. The story of Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco is a story of...

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