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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

Tax Time

Whenever Mom heard someone complaining about taxes, her reply was, "Grandfather always said that it's a blessing to pay taxes because it means that you have income!"

I suppose it's the same when we are told to share our time, talent, and treasure. It means that we have been blessed with time (This is one resource that cannot be replenished nor renewed.), talent (To whom more is given, more is expected.) and treasure (We have work!)

Also, when we share our triple T, someone is being blessed on the receiving end. And isn't that what life is about? It is about giving of ourselves! And in giving of ourselves, we are following what Jesus did in his life.

So next time you need to pay more in taxes because your deductions weren't enough to cover your tax dues, just think that you are doing what Jesus has been telling us all along - share especially with those who could use the help.

'Then Jesus told them, "Give to Cesar what is Cesar's, and to God what is God's."' - Mark 12:17


My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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