I was giving a talk in a few weeks. Though I haven't really decided on the topic of the talk, I began praying to St. Therese for help - that the talk will be a most inspiring one.
The eve before Mother's Day, the thought came to me, "I guess no flowers this year for Mother's Day as we're very busy preparing for the Bay area." Our son was graduating, and we will be leaving around 8am Sunday, returning in three days, and no one will take care of the flowers."
Early morning of Mother's Day though, our boys surprised me with two bouquets of roses, one white and one red! While on road to Berkeley, a dear friend texted me a picture of another bouquet of multi colored roses. She said that she's sending me a picture of the roses as she was planning to deliver, but since we were leaving, she decided to keep them at home to be cared for. The last roses I saw were at church beside Our Lady of Guadalupe picture where the flowers seemed to tell me, "You will be fine."
I knew in my heart that St. Therese heard my prayers and was letting me know all will be well.
My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog touchedbygrace.today every Friday! Check out Catholicmom.com for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.