Presidents' Day originally commemorated George Washington's birthday in 1885. It later combined Washington's birthday on Feb. 22 with Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12. Presidents' Day now celebrates all presidents - past, present and future. It's observed on the third Monday of February and gives most workers a three-day weekend.
This weekend is not so much the time for spring sales or discounted furniture or car sales. It is not so much time to rest, but a time to reflect about the meaning and depth of the position and reflect on the men who have occupied it.
For our current and future presidents, it is a time to pray for their guidance, wisdom, impartiality, and selflessness - all for the best of the country. Let us remember that each presidency has had its contentious issues - from the beginning of the union to the present.
Particularly in the Philippines where presidential election is this May 2022, we need to pray for enlightenment for the citizens, to choose wisely for leaders who will serve the country and for those who protect and espouse the truth.
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