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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

Please Pick a Rose from the Heavenly Gardens...

Updated: Feb 18

Last week, I had a brief yet very intense argument with someone who had the exact opposite opinion of my stand on a certain issue. This person is very dear to me, and I felt I hurt her feelings. To clear the air, I thought of going to her place to discuss the matter more and hopefully end on a better note.

I wasn't sure that was a good idea, though the plan seemed right.

I sought guidance from St. Therese. If I receive white roses in the four days that I prayed her novena, I will proceed with my visit. (And I thought that if I received white roses after the novena, it was to confirm all the more that I should not visit.)

On the second day of the novena, I received a dozen red roses!

At the end of the novena, it occurred to me that St. Therese wanted me to know that she heard my prayers, hence, the red roses. But that it was not the right time to visit my friend.

The day after I finished the novena, I received a bouquet of white roses!

St. Therese wanted things very clear to me. It is not God's time.


My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every week! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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