I thought we'll be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year. Apparently, it will only be our 29th. I was never good at math. God knows best. Hubby is good at it.
Our oldest son asked his dad what is the secret to a lasting marriage. (I did not hear the happy part, but I suppose that part was understood. After all, rarely can one last this long at this time and age without being happy.) He said he will ask his dad because I am the vocal one, and I usually provide the answers even before the questions are asked.
My hubby replied that the secret to staying married is saying, "I am sorry." Then he added,
"even if I know I am right."
LOL. I suppose that is the secret. It's really a win-win scenario. He thinks he is right. And I believe that I'm right too!
Then I thought of Jesus. We cannot say words we do not mean because he can see through us. And yet, we do. Still, he stays with us. I don't think that there is any anniversary celebration that can. beat that.
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