Time flies. There are many things I wish I did when I still had a young family. Especially when it came to traditions, like during Advent.
If I could do it over again, I would incorporate these Advent traditions to our family's.
- Set up (and maybe decorate) 4 candles for the 4 weeks of Advent and have the
children light a candle each Advent Sunday.
- Bake more Christmas cookies. This time, not just for the family but for neighbors and
people who could use some good and edible cheer.
- Each time a Christmas card arrives, I will read the greetings over dinner and
pray for that family. (Started but haven't been consistent with this.)
- Bake a cake for Jesus and have the children blow out the candles on Christmas Day.
- Make a family Advent calendar with treats or activities hidden for each day.
- Donate toys that the children have outgrown.
- Watch Christmas movies with popcorn, hot chocolate on the Fridays of Advent.
- Being that this is becoming an online/delivery ordering world, I will put water
bottles and maybe a bowl of treats by the front door for the delivery people.
- Tell my family and friends how much they mean to me.
- Give the gift of time and call someone to ask how they are doing.
There are so many other ways we can be in the spirit of Christmas despite all that is happening around. And it usually starts with thinking of others and giving of ourselves.
Happy Advent to All!
PS I have actually started some of the activities above a few years ago. It is never too late.
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