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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

New Year's Eve

What has God blessed you with the past year?

For many, it is difficult to see the blessings in 2020 and 2021. There could have been illnesses, financial hardships, and even death for some families. The dark clouds linger longer than we'd like it to. Let us not forget though that hiding behind those clouds is the beauty of the sun still shining.

Was there an illness in the family? I pray there were people who prayed for them.

Was there financial hardship? I pray that there were people who helped ease the burden.

Was there death to deal with? I pray that there is sufficient faith to carry them.

Were there bridges burnt? I pray that God's peace will embrace those who have been hurt,

and that God's love will heal the pain. I pray that God will grant humility and clarity of

mind to the people involved.

The New Year allows us to look beyond the past and move forward to what is beyond. Because Jesus is always to be found at the end if we seek deeply enough.



My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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