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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

How was your 2023?

The year's about to end in two days! Let's take a few minutes to reflect on the year that was, well, almost. :D

How did you start 2023? What goals did you have?

It's been said not to compare ourselves with others, but just with ourselves - how much have we grown the past twelve months? What were the highs and lows of our year?

I hope that you had achieved most of what you set out for and that you have grown closer to our Lord. Let us remember that we are body and spirit, and it's always good to have a balance of both.

We often go to the gym and take care of our physical well-being in various ways. Let us not forget our spiritual well-being as well. Just because we don't see it, it does not exist! Do we start and end our day with prayers? That's a simple, short, and sweet way to strengthen our spiritual muscles. In the end of our journey, it is actually the spirit that will remain.

And as we go through life, each day brings us closer to the end of our journey. And it's a pretty good plan to know our Creator way before we meet him.

So as the New Year begins, let us try to nourish our spirit more. Let's set goals, be focused, and see how we will do in the next 365 days. I believe it's something to look forward to.


My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every week! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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