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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

God's Timing

A dear friend has been waiting for a significant promotion with regard to a project he has been working tirelessly for many months. Last week, he received an email that he will indeed be receiving this long and much-awaited recognition the week of Thanksgiving. He was more than elated to receive the news.

"What a wonderful way of God letting you know that He has His blessings on your project." My friend was quiet for a minute, and then said, "I never thought of it that way."

Just like many of us. We are not able to connect God's timing with things that happen to us. And during the times we do, our hearts fill with deep awe.

Wishing you more precious moments of awe!!!


My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every week! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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