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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

Economics of Time Rehashed

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Almost two years ago, I wrote a minute blog about the Economics of Time.

I wondered how much time people spent watching TV. It's so interesting that since then, the average TV time has decreased from 8 hours to 5 hours (based on Nielsen TV ratings). But then, these days we have our laptops, phones and other gadgets that enable us to watch, stream, Youtube anything, anytime without being monitored by Nielsen.

Let's do some calculations. With 5 of 24 hours, that's 21 percent of our day watching TV. With stay-at-home guidelines these days, I believe 8 hours is nearer actual hours. Now, that's 33.33 percent.

This 33 percent translates to about 4 months or a third of a year of watching TV - 24/7!!!

And we often say, “We don’t have time!”

How about taking 10 minutes of that TV time to give thanks for all our blessings? I can assure you that the time invested in giving thanks to God will reap rewards no amount of TV watching can.

Just a thought.


My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new post on my blog every Monday and Friday! Check out my website and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.

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