I missed our parish live mass, so I went to Mass-online.org. It was at St. Gerard Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and the celebrant was Fr. Mark.
His homily was wonderfully insightful. From him, I learned that I am a 'Checkbox Catholic.' Rosary? Check! Divine Mercy Chaplet? Check! Mass? Check!
I'm one who's had a "To-Do List" since high school, and the checkbox routine fits perfectly in my way of organizing things. Fr. Mark reminded me that though doing these things is helpful to our work or school schedule, having a personal relationship with our Lord is foremost for our spiritual growth. If we check our boxes because we think that will get us more points for entry to heaven, then there is something amiss.
Jesus does not see us like machines that punch holes when things have been completed. He wants a relationship with us that goes deeper. It reminds me of Jesus telling Martha, who busied herself with household chores, that her sister has chosen the better part. And that was spending time with Jesus.
All the saints first had a personal relationship with Jesus. That relationship led them to lead a life for the glory of God, and ultimately, joined him in eternity.
My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out my website touchedbygrace.today and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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