Shortly after waking up, I play Catholic church songs on Youtube to set the focus on Jesus and set the tone of thanksgiving for the day. A Youtube ad caught my attention. It was about a man who turned his life around from being a hard core party animal to founding a non-profit whose mission is to bring clear water to the world. His video of African villagers drinking water from a muddied well with insects in the water is something I will never be able to erase from memory. I am so inspired by this man and by the stories of countless people who support his mission through
In the afternoon, our family watched the movie The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. Based on real life, it is about a high school African boy who through genius, determination and (I'd say) family prayers was able to take his village out of famine. The political instability and poverty that are so deeply entrenched in their village made us realize all the more, despite Covid, how blessed we are here in the U.S. (I strongly recommend watching this movie.)
In the early evening, a priest sent me pictures of his ministry which he began over a decade ago in Africa. His vision is to create a model village that will be self-sustaining for his impoverished community. Through his determination and perseverance, I can already see his vision turn to reality.
Tonight, I will finish the book that I have been reading for weeks. It proposes that our thoughts create our emotions. With thoughts as inspiring as these the entire day today, I hope and pray the inspiration will carry me throughout many days to be the best I can be for Jesus.
My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out my website and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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