I did not grow up on Mr. Roger's neighborhood. But I did get a glimpse of his wonderfully endearing neighborhood in my adulthood.
He always said that we are all special.
In his death people denounced him, saying he was the cause of an entitled society because Mr. Rogers said that you don't have to do anything to be special.
They missed the point.
We are all special in God's eyes. Knowing that we are loved and special will make us feel and know that we are valuable. And being valuable and loved could only bring out the best in each of us.
PS. See you in the movies for the movie about Mr. Roger's life
beginning November 22, 2019.
My name's Anna Maria! I publish a new blog post every Monday and Friday, two of my favorite days!If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released early 2020 through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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