I admit. I have been converted.
I play the piano. Love Beethoven, Chopin and am truly mesmerized by Rachmaninoff. I also like traditional Catholic church songs which I listen to at home. Songs like "Here I am Lord" ...
One day my son Chris asked me, "Mom, listen to this."
"Kanye? Are you serious? Wasn't he the one who created a fuss at the Grammy's telling the world that Beyonce should have won instead of Taylor Swift?"
"Mom, he is a gifted artist. You should try listening to his latest album."
So I did. And I was instantly converted. Not to him but to his gospel-rap music and its substance.
The title of the album? Jesus is King.
My name's Anna Maria! I publish a new blog post every Monday and Friday, two of my favorite days!If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released early 2020 through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
In the meantime, check out my website touchedbygrace.today and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.