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  • Writer's pictureAnna Maria De Guid

On Traditions

Updated: Aug 29, 2022


I like traditions.

It creates a sense of belonging and connects us to our past, to our ancestors and their lives. Tradition defines the values and beliefs that were dear to our parents, grandparents and maybe great-grandparents, and that we still hold close to our hearts. Like family. And faith.

One of the oldest traditions I could think of was from my grandparents. It was praying the Angelus every evening at 6:00 p.m., followed by the rosary. It seemed that my grandmother's entire household prayed together.

Especially during the holidays, these traditions come to life as we begin to celebrate another new year with our families.

What traditions did you have in your childhood that you still continue to this day?


My name's Anna Maria! I publish a new blog post every Monday and Friday, two of my favorite days! If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released early 2020 through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

In the meantime, check out my website and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.


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