Yesterday, September 23, was the Feast of Padre Pio. I was looking forward to celebrating Mass, where I expected the homily to be the miracles Padre Pio has been showering to this day.
Instead, the priest looked into Padre Pio's life of pain and suffering with nary a complaint, lamentation, or self-pity. He must have been in such agony for 50 years, having the fresh wounds on his hands, feet, and side.
Fr. Josh said that if we ponder deeply, following Christ means to undergo suffering. To bear our crosses. And yet often with a little inconvenience, we find ourselves calling out to our Lord to relieve us of our burdens.
During our dark days, could it be that Jesus wants a more intimate relationship with us? Don't relationships that survive hardships become closer and stronger? Maybe he wants us to experience a minute piece of his Calvary so that we could be one with him.
Following Christ is a tough act to follow. The next time we encounter difficulties, maybe we could imitate Padre Pio who in silence offered his afflictions to Jesus and called on Him.
And like Padre Pio, we will have the understanding and peace that only He can give.
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