It's been a while since I went to confession. I have it on my weekly calendar, but it seems something always comes up when the day comes. (Could this be the case with most things that people, subconsciously or otherwise, do not think urgent or important?)
One Sunday, our family livestreamed a Mass so that we could join the celebration as we were in different locations. I chose the shortest one at 30 minutes, thinking that the boys will want something short and sweet. (Anything to get them to join us.) Lo and Behold! The Mass began with the priest singing. I knew this was not going to be short. God had worked his mysterious way once again.
The homily was about how priests have not been reminding Catholics of the blessedness of the Holy Communion, and that confession is the best way to prepare for it.
This morning, I read a Gospel Reflection from Catholic Mom - something I have not done in several months. The reflection was about repentance.
What a coincidence that I have a schedule for confession today! God seems to be prodding and working his ways on me. I think I will finally be able to go.
Have you felt some gentle prodding from God in your life lately?
My name's Anna Maria, and I publish a new video on YouTube's Touched by Grace Today and a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out for my other articles! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.