About two months ago, the wife of a co-worker of a cousin was brought to the Emergency Room on a Saturday and passed away the following Monday. The co-worker was taken to the ICU. Over a month ago, three co-workers of a dear friend became seriously ill. Two passed away. Last week, the brother of another dear friend passed away only to be followed by the wife a week later. Though I only knew the brother personally in these cases, it sure felt like the cases were getting closer to home.
And as Covid continued to infect, fear and anxiety slowly started settling in my heart. A familiar heaviness continued to weigh me down. It is not so much the fear of dying as the fear of leaving family behind.
The words "Do not be afraid" occur 365 times in the Bible. Indeed, it helps to keep those words in our hearts and minds when the worst happens.
Do not let a day pass without showing and telling your family that you love them. Prepare them in case the worst happens. With extra time these days, take a few minutes to call a relative or friend, and ask how they are doing. Repair broken bridges.
Maybe this Covid is one way to pressure us into prioritizing things in our lives. After all, without Covid, we'd be so into our busy schedules we wouldn't have time to think of these important yet not urgent aspects of our lives.
My name's Anna Maria and I publish a new post on my blog every Friday! Check out my website touchedbygrace.today and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.
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