In the Old Testament, God spoke to his people.
In the New Testament, God spoke through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
These days people often say God has forgotten us because of all the evil that he is allowing to happen in our world.
Or is it more that we have forgotten God because of the many distractions that have made his voice drown in the noise?
Please take the time to listen. Not with spare time. Not part
time. A regular dedicated quality time that will catch God's attention.
It worked for me. Why shouldn't it work for anyone else?
My name's Anna Maria! I publish a new blog post every Monday and Friday, two of my favorite days!If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released late fall through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
In the meantime, check out my website and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.