Hello and welcome to my blog!
If you’re new to this site, my name’s Anna Maria De Guid. People just call me Maria. That works perfectly because my sister-in-law’s name is Ana and it just makes things easier during family gatherings.
Decades before “growing-the-family” time took over, my hobbies were playing the piano and guitar, caring for plants (though the plants didn’t care much for me), singing in the shower (my vocal cords didn’t care much for singing either!), cooking, and above all—baking! I baked morning, noon, at night and even in my dreams! So I thought my future was baking.
Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. In my teens, someone told me I was going to write, but writing didn’t seem to work for me. I got the lowest spelling score and an immensely embarrassing event in high school finally hammered the nail on the writer’s coffin. Who knows? Maybe in the future I’ll have the courage to reveal that embarrassing experience on my blog!
But for the moment, I hope you enjoy reading my reflections on life and God’s graces. And I hope that you’re touched by grace today!
My name's Anna Maria and I still love to bake! If you want to learn more about my journey, my book "Touched by Grace: The Journey" will be released this summer through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
In the meantime, check out my website touchedbygrace.today and subscribe for book updates and more blog posts! If you've been #tbgtoday, feel free to share your story of grace here.